Tuesday, March 18, 2008


Sadly, I've no idea what that means, except "CONGRATULATIONS PAT!" and please come explain this Brit headline from THE GUARDIAN.

After decrying the morose topics of most women's fiction (I agree!) the article reads, "Among the miserabilism came uplifting novels such as Patricia Wood's Lottery, about a man with learning disabilities who wins the lottery..."

Miserablism! I have got to borrow that word! You DO own a copy of LOTTERY, don't you? Of for goodness sakes! Click HERE to order your copy.

Pat and I breakfasted (don't you hate made up verbs?) last spring. She's the one who looks like a prize winning author. On the right.


ORION said...

Oh wow kim thanks!
A better article is this one:http://books.guardian.co.uk/orange2008/story/0,,2266167,00.html

The Orange Prize is a prestigious literary award for women writers around the world whose book is published in the UK. A book has to be nominated by a publisher or other professional and a panel of judges create the long list of 20 titles out of hundreds of books. In April the judges will select the short list and the winner will be announced in early June.
Just to be on the long list is a huge honor...
There is some controversy about it being sexist as it is just limited to women albeit internationally...My take on it is it STILL isn't a level playing field. Out of 104 nobel prize for literatures given only ten women have been recognized...

Amanda said...

WOW! Orion that's just BRILLIANT!!

Now if you realy want to score points you should curry favour in the north by donating a book...see Highlandmadness.blogspot.com ;-)

Laura said...

Woohoo! Go, Pat! I'll be bragging about meeting you in Seattle when you win!