You're Invited: Writers On Autism Event, NYC 6/7 at 7!
Well, the date and time sound lucky, don't they? 77! Sorry this invitation is so informal, but I didn't have your address.
I'll be doing a reading at the first annual Writers On Autism event at the LifeSpire offices in the Empire State Building. Details below. Yes, I still don't know how to do the linky things. I'm trying though. My reading is humorous - I promise. Details here:
Tomorrow I'm at BEA (Book Expo America) breathing in the air of publishers and authors, meeting the fabulously funny American Title III winner Jenny Gardiner, author of "Sleeping With Ward Cleaver" due out from Dorchester,, hoping to bump into my wonderful agent Eric Myers and meeting with John Robison and some of his folks from Crown.
What? You don't know who John is? Well come on out from under that rock! He's the Aspergian author of "Look Me In The Eye" which debuts in September. If you know someone with ANY form of autism, from high to low, from Rainman to Aspergers, you'll want to read his memoir.
John is also reading at the Writers on Autism event. Barbara Fischkin, writer extraordinaire and autism Mom herself put the event together. Barbara's site is
See the press release link above for the other talented writers participating in the event. If you're near the city, please come! If you spot me at BEA say hello!
Special thanks to my Mom for coming today to help Mark with the kids tomorrow so I can sneak into the City. Joy!!!
In today's Chicago Tribune, Steve Johnson's "The Internet" column is devoted to the Huffington Post and gives it high marks.
Props to you, girl!
Have fun!!!
I wish I could come to the big apple to hear you & John read. But I take comfort in my suspicion that this will be the first of many such appearances for you both, and that I'll have the chance to see you when your world tour comes to Boston!
Yay for your mom!
I just came over here to check in and see what's going on! SOOOO glad you're going to Book Expo! If you see Maura there, meet her and tell her hi for me!
And, if you feel like snagging me some free copies of books, I'd be happy to pay for shipping! : ) : ) : ) Kidding, kind of, well, kidding about you sending me free books, but serious about paying for shipping!
Ha, see, this is what happens when the moms drink mimosas at the bus stop on the last day of school. Mayhem ensues!
Yay Kim!
This is just a warm up for your own personal book tour, when your smash hit comes out.
Have fun.
P.S. Great picture.
Thanks for you-know-what.
Regards to You-Know-Who.
Just like with John..."Go Kim! Go!!!" This is exciting for me on so many levels. But mostly because you are me. You are a mom who deals with autism every day! In the same breath you are not me. You have a gift of writing and the personality gift of spunk. You will be out there empowering so many people! Go Kim!!! Go! Have a blast and thank you!
Have fun at BEA. I was there last year and I'm sorry to miss it this year!
Kim -- is it June 7 or July 7??? The announcement thing you link to says June 7...
Again I say how do you swing so so much time for yourself??
Kim THANKS! It's JUNE JUNE JUNE! I fixed it - guess I just like the number 7! :)
How do I swing so much time for myself??? Oh, let me stop laughing! Mom is coming and my husband is awesome. This is my second day away from the kids that is not a school day in..... I can't remember. I want my writing career to succeed and my family is very supportive. I guess that's the answer.
Autism writers do - do you know Luke and/or Jaqui Jackson? Are they attending? They both write very well and if you aren't familiar with them you should look them up. Jaqui has four sons on the spectrum and three daughters who aren't, Luke is her son who has aspergers. (Multicoloured mayhem by jaqui is a good read)
Have a fabulous time! I'll look for you on that Seattle book tour. :)
Amanda, I don't but I'll look them up. Thanks! Too bad the Concorde no longer flies here, you could pop in on Thursday and be home for Bangers and whatever it is that goes with bangers! :)
OK Kimbo, here's some cullinary education for you UK-style! We eat marmite, (yeast extract) not veggiemite. We drink tea amongst other things (Starbucks global march has reached our shores but it's a 40 mile round trip for me!) Haggis is a small creature with uneven legs that can only run round the highland mountains one way and is therefore easy to catch. Some say it's sheep stomach stuffed with offal and oatmeal but who am I to say - don't say "Yuck!" think what's in your salami...and it's bangers and mash (potato) with onion gravy. You really should pop over, your girls would just love it here, although can't speak for the flight. If you make it drop in for an autism friendly pitstop.
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