Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Don't get Huffy...

Too late. Here's my latest Huffington Post where I talk about my frustration that the general media seems incapable of asking the simple question: "What causes autism." We eagerly ask the "what makes people who eat three Krispy Kreme donuts for breakfast and a bucket of french fries for lunch get fat?" And "why can't Grandpa, the diabetic with liver disease from drinking a fifth of whiskey every day for 40 years get an erection? But the world is mute when it's time to ask "Why are 1 in 166 kids being labeled with an "incurable" neurological condition. Darn it, there goes my blood pressure!

Kevlar vest on? Check. Bring it on George Glass. Bring it on.



Laura said...

Great post on Huff, Kim! I really hope we can figure out what's causing Grampa's ED, though, and get a nice pharma cure. That's so much more important than Autism, don't you think? Grr!

Milehimama @ Mama Says said...

I totally agree with the article. It's not just autism but an entire spectrum of disorders that have suddenly popped up. My son is officially Bipolar with "executive reasoning deficits" and "autistic tendencies". The support groups I belong to constantly bemoan the fact that Early Onset Bipolar is NOT listed in the DSM-IV and they have a terrible time getting insurance coverage because of this. This is because it was UNHEARD of 20 years ago. You're right, it's not 'better diagnosis'. You think doctors just didn't notice children raging for hours at a time, or kindergartners attempting suicide? They just never heard of a child who would rock all day but not eat anything round, talk, or dress themselves? Please.
But, we can regrow thinning hair and push MORE vaccines for diseases that aren't a public health risk (Guardasil anyone?)
Mama Says

Jane Porter said...

Thanks for your Huff. I'm an author, a former middle school teacher and live in Seattle. Of my *close* friends, 3 have boys with autism, or a "neurological disorder similar to autism but not quite officially autism". I don't get it. What's in the water? Or ours meds? Or our environment? And why the hell can't we do better for children? Absolutely slays me. Hugg on, girl.

Jane Porter said...

Um, Kim, that last post was supposed to say "Huff on," but I guess I can start a new Hugg On, too...

Hmmm. Will go away now. :(


Michelle O'Neil said...

Great work Kim! I didn't see "The View" but several people have told me about it. None of them mentioned the skirting around the issues of cause.

Love her, but I've been very disappointed in Oprah for not tackling this issue on her show or in her mag.

Seems the pharmaceutical companys own not only the politicians but the media as well.

Anonymous said...

Kim, there's a study at Stanford showing that most of the media coverage on autism focuses on research about CAUSES of autism, even though most of the research done is on brain and behavioral differences. Check it out:
