(You don't have to wear it. Just win it, blog your own contest for it and join the Bloggerhood of the Traveling Hideous Bathing Suit.)
A few weeks ago, I blogged about this bathing suit (HERE)that I had bought in a blind panic for an autism event that required that I appear in public in a swimsuit. (HERE) I had a budget of zero dollars, 2 days and limited time to shop. Under the glare of the "You may view the body" lights in the dressing room of my local TJ Maxx, I deluded myself that this "thing" looked half decent. I was wrong.
I've decided that my ill conceived bathing suit purchase is simply too hideous to hide in my bureau. If those darn pants can travel through the sisterhood, why not my (unworn) swimsuit? Yes, this is the official, "Win Kim Stagliano's Ugly Bathing Suit" contest. Here are the rules:
1) If you enter, you must agree to run a contest for this suit on your own blog within a week of receiving the suit in the mail. This gives you ample time to ogle its shiteousness before sending it along to the next soon-to-be disgusted recipient. You can photograph the suit on your cat, your Harley, a tombstone - it's your call. Run the photo on your blog. Be creative. Tell your blog buddies where the contest began - and send this Lycra loser along to whoever wins your contest.
Leave a comment and an email address so I can reach you. Or email me at kim stagliano at g mail dot com, if you'd rather not leave your email address in the comments. But still leave a comment, OK!
All right, Blog Buddies - let's see who wins!
Sorry Kim, but there is no contest. You win.
Oooh, Kim. That's a doozy. No wonder it was cheap! I do love how you mounted it on a pillow. Sorta looks like me in a suit ;-).
Very fun idea to run this--not sure if I can do anything on our blog since last week's our last week but maybe I can throw something in there.
I love you, but no thanks. If I had a cat, I'm sure that suit would drive it to commit hari kari.
I want that suit like nobody's business.
Sound like fun but I'm strictly a 'one piece' kindofan oldie. In fact ideally I prefer a full body wetsuit.
Thank you Michelle. Oh, Manic, you WANT the suit. You NEED the suit. Imagine how you can tinker with your daughter's self image with this suit!
Ms. Gardiner (that's Sleeping with Ward Cleaver author extraordinaire Jenny Gardiner) you can dream about the suit - every deb would covet it - but no need to try to blog it there. It's a pretty silly contest!
PixieMama. I'm crushed. What can I say? Yes, your cat would hack up a giant lycra furball, no doubt.
The suit WILL travel. I know it.
Do we get to vote? I'm biased, but I so vote for M o'N http://michelleoneilwrites.blogspot.com/
Oh, -I- want that suit (to blog about.. not to wear.. LOL)
Imagine the fun I'll have trying to find *something* to dress in *it* in a house full of males..
(what can I say, I'm a twisted sistah)
Wow. I'm not sure how to say this without being completely rude. Okay, I'm just going to spit it out... Kim... are you color blind? If not, you may want to consider being tested.
I wanna play your blog game. Count me in.
Good Gawd! I'm still seeing it behind my eyelids when I close my eyes - make it go away! make it go away!
SO RUDE! No, I am not color blind, thank you very much! LOL! I was desperate. Even I can't believe it. Thus the contest. It has to see the world so others can appreciate its nastiness.....
I rather like it. It answers the eternal question of what to do with the extra straps of fabric (create a butt ruffle, of course!).
I want to win this. What do I do? Give you my e-mail address?
The pictures of the suit frighten me, I can't imagine how scary that suit must be in person. Maybe it will scare the squirrels away from my garden.
Send it to the Highlands!!! We need brightening up - it's been raining for almost 24 hours without stopping. You know my email address so just send the costume in all its' glory
Yes, I perfect scarecrow for Halloween! Just leave a comment to enter. I'll track you down...
Amanda, you can do a "Highland Fling it in the trash!" with it. Then retrieve it and run your contest. Good luck!
Kim, I have had my own, "Why the heck did I bring a 4 year old boy shopping with me?" moments where I bought things that never even went on my body after I got them home, but of course, by then it was beyond the return time. That and there's no way I'd be able to find a receipt to return something in my pit of a purse. This spring, I seemed very fond of purchasing shirts and dresses that would look very nice on a woman 6 months pregnant, as that's how they look on me. Since I'm not pregnant, I haven't been wearing them. Oh well!
As for the contest, I have been a craptacular blogger of late, so I don't think anyone has visited in the past month, as I've only posted maybe twice since June. So, that beauteous set of spandex would simply be lost on me! However, it would be very pretty on my fat kitty Nichie. I think she could really pull it off!
You think I could squeeze HT into the suit? You know, after I win it?
all right, people .. i'm in . mostly because i thought of the perfect place to display it. or burn it in effigy. yeah, definitely in. (you have my e-mail address)
haha! i love the contest idea. There aren't enough folks who come past my blog to do that suit-of-shiteousness justice (otherwise i'd be in). But i love the idea.
you will let us know which blog to watch for it on, won't you?
Michelle, I double dare you!!!!
But then again, considering the absolutely amazing relationship and connection you and HT have (a connection I can only dream of having with a member of the adult male species - and yes, I am a tad envious), he'll probably happily oblige you.
Can't wait to find out where *da suit* is going to travel to..
I am laughing my ass off reading this/looking at the suit. I do love TJ Maxx though. Too funny!
Oh, my! Were you drunk?
Fielding J, Hurst I KNOW YOUR NAME! I approve your comments at A of A, you know, sir..... No. I was not drunk. I wsa desperate! Sniff!
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