Saturday, May 03, 2008


You have got to read THIS post over at John Robison's blog about brain plasticity and some science-fictionesque research he's been participating in at Harvard. Crazy, insane, you'll never believe it kind of stuff that could change the world for millions. Millions.
It's like something from Ray Bradbury. But it's here. Holy Martian Chronicles....


Petra said...

Read John Robison's (hope I'm spelling his name right.. it's late..) post on what is happening to him.

Enormously intriguing.. You betcha I'll be watching his experiences very closely (and I can already 'see' how this could potentially benefit Z once we get to Step 3 of Dr. Yasko's protocol.. at some point in the distant future..LOL)

Amanda said...

Very interesting post Kim. I recognised your comments about your Bella not talking. Bear is similar in that she won't talk rather than can't. She occasionally comes out with complete sentences so we know she can. Frustrating doesn't even come close.

The Muse said...


There IS a definite change in John's attitude and speech patterns. I've noticed that he is slightly more animated and upbeat in his conversations. He smiles more often; and there is a more obvious rise and fall in the pitch of his voice. I've also seen him laugh more easily. The TMS seems to have alleviated his tendency to brood and succumb to anxiety and depression. Have you noticed this difference in his voice? He is much less monotone. He really seems at times exuberant and happy.

I am SO hopeful and intrigued by this research. I really believe that this team is on the brink of discovering a treatment for autism, depression, stroke victims, and many other neurological disorders.

Anonymous said...

I am SOOOO intrigued. I just read about using transcraniel magnetic stimulation to help Parkinson's patients this morning on the bus in "Spirituality & Health" magazine and wondered, "hey, what about ASD" -- then I checked here -- wow "holy coincidence batman!". My little Ben10 fan would probably be a willing participant in soemthing that sounds so cool!

Anonymous said...

It's a gift to know that somewhere out in the world people smarter than me, are motivated to figure this kind of thing out--for the benefit of others. My sister's in research and I marvel at the teeny discoveries they make and what big impact the little aha will eventually mean for the treatment/cure of cancer. Can you imagine? Thanks for the heads up on J.R. and hopefully this gives people a boost that something is being done for children who have autism. I'll pass the link along.

Kim Rossi Stagliano said...

Kathie do pass it along and stay tuned for much more. Buck Rogers is just the beginning....


Laura said...

That is very cool! I want to do it to myself, see what my old brain comes up with! :)