So Tired!
Mark and I have moved umpteen loads of stuff into the new house. Six loads just today! Man, I'm tired. Tomorrow the movers arrive. I do wish our grant had come through - we're drowning in moving expenses, even as we try to do as much work ourselves.
Remember that flood we had last December? It took all our moving boxes! So we're using four big plastic tubs. Pray for us.
If you go to a grocery store, Wal-Mart, Target, or a warehouse like Costco and Sam's, they usually give away boxes for moving. Just call ahead and ask for the store manager to set aside some boxes for you. I'll pray your move goes well!
Cheryl, thanks - I've heard you can get ucky bugs that way - which would be just our luck! ACtually, we did fine with a small number - just moved, unloaded and started again.
How are you? How's your daughter? I'm offline for a bit - but drop me an email won't you? Dr. David Berger, pediatrician is in Tampa - did I tell you about him?
I hope you discover that you love your new house more than the old house. You do know of course, that you are taking your *home* with you.
I wish it over for you. :)
Always determined to see a positive - at least you won't be surrounded with boxes when you finally move in!
Have a hug and a beer - you deserve it!!
Pixie, it worked! You're MAGIC! It's over. :) And all's well and the girls are FINE and very happy. YAY!!!
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