Sunday, November 16, 2008

Ray_head_shotBusy Parent Workout from GrecoRomanWellness' Ray Salomone!

Hi, friends. I ran this post over at last week. I think we can all benefit from Ray's instruction! Enjoy.

Managing Editor's Note: I think you'll like our new contributor Ray Salomone, personal trainer in NYC and owner of Greco Roman Wellness. He and I met via the Denis Leary debacle. Ray was born with a rare birth defect that affected his chest muscle and struggled throughout childhood. He has a soft spot on his "hard body" for kids with autism, a result of an experience of his own.

I asked Ray if he'd put together a fitness routine for us autism Moms and Dads that's fast and effective. It's below. We need to stay strong and healthy for our kids and to manage our kids. Little boys and girls don't stay little forever. My Mia is as strong as an ox, albeit a beautiful ox. Thank you, Ray. KS

By Ray Salomone

Hi Everyone,

You may have heard about my internet rumble with Denis Leary over the stupid comments he made about autism. "Trust me, I know how the game works. He has a book coming out so he needs to be compelling and provocative. But this is disgusting. FULL DISCLOUSRE: I have a book coming out also. I’ve called and emailed his agent and publicist. I imagine a No comment is forthcoming So I’ll make a comment: Denis Leary is a piece of shit." Click
to read the entire blog entry.

He never showed, but two of his buddies from South Boston said they were on their way to NYC. They never showed either.

I know that so many of you barely have a minute to yourself and that exercise, in many cases, is relegated to the back burner. Here is a short, but very intense program that you can do at home in only ten minutes without any weights or other equipment.

Start by doing two minutes of basic stretching to loosen up the major muscles groups.

Once you feel the blood pumping and the oxygen flowing, follow this routine and do it as many times as your schedule permits to a max of five rotations.


Jumping Jacks: 10

Push Ups: 5, 10 or 15, depending on your strength


Squats: 10


Leg Raises: 10 (Lying on floor, hands supporting your back, raise your legs together to 90 degrees.)


Repeat this if time allows. Once you build up the endurance to go around 5 times, this workout should take only 10 minutes. It’s a great way to strengthen and tone the entire body.

Email me with any questions through my website. You and your children are true WARRIORS AND GODDESSES!

Ray Salomone
The Wellness Crusader


Michelle O'Neil said...

Well that was a tall drink of water to have with my coffee this morning. Thanks!

Kim Rossi Stagliano said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Amanda said...

Thanks, I think, for this! My girls are not shrinking and I'm not getting any younger either. Bear can now pin me to the floor/bed and she's not ten 'til February. I'm looking for a physical intervention course but the only thing on offer is the courses on how to pre-empt the need for it by diffusing the situation. Been there done that need the next step in my just in case box of tricks. Any ideas?