Thursday, February 07, 2008

Mitt Quits!

And then there were two. Huckabee and McCain. Think either can beat Obama or Hillary? I just heard that Mitt Romney spent $35,000,000 of his own money on this campaign. Think he decided he just didn't want to spend any more? Hillary Clinton just lent her campaign $5,000,000. Can you hear Chelsea screaming, "GAH! Mother, what did you do?"



Anonymous said...

I'm afraid of the Republican smear machine... Both Obama and Hillary would make excellent presidents, but you never know who the voters will choose at the end. I still can't believe W. had two presidential terms. What a disgrace.

kristen spina said...

Gah! Where do these people get all this money???

Kidding aside, I'm worried. I want to believe Hillary or Obama can take it but if they don't start working together, instead of just for themselves, I fear we're going to be in trouble. We need to unite this party and quick!!!

Niksmom said...

Well, I just read that Dubyah is all set to endorse the Republican that ought to guarantee a Democrat in the White House next term!